Permission to Crack

do I have permission to crack
to cry
to break
do I have permission to know what hurt feels like
to keep to myself
to tell you my secrets
to trust you won’t tell
do I have permission to believe you
to believe my God
to doubt every once in awhile
do I have permission to just be
jollof rice
Harlem and educated
boy still growing
man still learning
a body
still breathing
do I have permission to speak my mind
I tend to be the youngest in the room
do I have permission to move, swerve, find a room, 
kiss the floor with my knees, 
touch the sky with my faith when Lust whispers,
do I have permission to fail
to be human
I too have flesh misused
do I have permission to respond to fools with silence
to withhold my violence
do I have permission to call out whiteness every time it abuses me & my people
to not be your token black boy as proof that not all black boys are evil
gang banger
more useful as prison fodder
pipeline martyrs
do I have permission to change the narrative
to crack while naked, sweat blood, fall in public, and still decide what I choose to be embarrassed by
do I have permission to break the cycle & kiss the broken record whole again
do I have permission to make America great for the first time
or at least try to
with some loan forgiveness & a bullet free rib cage
do I have permission to walk without the shackles you say look good on me
do I have permission to be worth God’s breath and pulse and execution
and still be a sculpture in progress
do I have permission to quote the Bible in context & keep up with Jesus over Jones’s
& gather knights waiting in the darkness
do I have permission to love my enemy into submission
do I have permission to accept His forgiveness
knowing I will fail 10,000 more times
do I have permission to be holy
even when it’s inconvenient for you
do I have permission to scream too
cuss less
stay humble
speak true
do I have permission to crack open and be something new?

perhaps the problem
is that I’m even asking you.


Cover Photo by Matt Artz on Unsplash

Benjamin Raji IIComment